Friday, November 21, 2008

Gratitude, what gratitude?

Considering the name of my blog is Acquiring Gratitude, I figured it was about time to mention some, well, gratitude. defines gratitude as:
Main Entry: grat·i·tude
Pronunciation: \ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin gratitudo, from Latin gratus grateful
Date: 1523
: the state of being grateful : thankfulness
I've always thought it quite ridiculous and ineffectual to define something using the same word (grateful?) so I clicked through the link to "thankfulness" to find this:
Main Entry: thank·ful
Pronunciation: \ˈthaŋk-fəl\
Function: adjective
Date: before 12th century
1 : conscious of benefit received thankful>
2 : expressive of thanks <thankful service>
3 : well pleased : glad thankful that it didn't rain>
That's more like it. I am seeking, being, accumulating, working towards, finding, and acquiring a consciousness of the benefits I have received. I am not innately grateful. In fact, I am wont to feel downright entitled. Maybe a function of being an only child? Maybe a function of innate temperament? Maybe a result of being born and raised in the US? No matter the underlying cause, it is a struggle for me to feel and articulate true gratitude towards God for the gifts I have been given (because, afterall, I'm often thinking I have these gifts through my own doing) and to others for the kindnesses they have bestowed upon me. Last year's "gratitude tree"? Pretty full. This year's? Nary a leaf. I haven't made the time to express the gratitude I feel in my heart. I haven't shown or acknolwedged those nouns that make my life more.

In an insanely inadequte attempt to express just how grateful I am for the people, things, and experiences I have been give, I offer this incomplete list:

I am grateful for family, home, health, my children, their smiles and hugs, my husband, backrubs, the (restored) health of my parents, my bed, Publix, our laid back lifestyle, my job, a frugal nature, friends (bloggy, list, and RL). I am thankful for my life, lived in freedom and democracy, clean water, washing maching, dishwasher, and CVS Extra Care Bucks. I am in gratitude to the people who lead our nation (even if I don't agree with their policies), my kids' teachers, my pastor, and the extra friendly clerks at the Post Office. I am well pleased with my neighbors, my reliable car, On the Border, and Lands' End cotton stretch cardigans.

It's too short a list but it's felt with great heart. I am indeed thankful for the many blessings I have received and enjoy.


Sarah said...

What a nice post. : ) I think it's important that we express thankfulness (I like that definition better too) for things both big and small. Thank YOU for the reminder that I need to do this more often in my life too.

Cena @ Unexpected Necessities said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! My dining table and chairs came from Ashley furniture.

Merry Christmas!