Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I made a comment via email today that the reason I don't blog is that nothing in my life is worth blogging or reading about. Self awareness kicked in and I'm going to work on making that statement irrelevant by doing things that are blog worthy or seeing the people, events, and things already in my life as blog worthy.

So here I start.

I'm sherri, wife to 1, mommy to 2. I've been checking the 35-44 year old box on surveys lately. I work both in and outside my home as a web app programmer and I have no idea how that happened. I go to bed when my kids do, don't watch TV during the week, and enjoy the mind candy of a decent chic lit read every now and then. Local people ask me where I'm from; friends from afar comment on my soft southern accent. I'm frugal with my money but I squander my time. I like red meat, believe in the social contract of immunization for my kids, think homeschooling is a nice idea (for someone else) and will vote for change in November. My spiritual journey is something I'm working on even as it's a bit stalled at the moment. I guess all the rest will come out later, no?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You have a lot to say...and I love how you say it. : )

And I can totally relate about squandering time......